Download BookGadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)

[Free.GaLF] Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)

[Free.GaLF] Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)

[Free.GaLF] Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)

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Published on: 2012-05-10
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Original language: English
[Free.GaLF] Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism (Modern European Philosophy)

The philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer interests a wide audience that spans the traditional distinction between European (continental) and Anglo-American (analytic) philosophy. Yet one of the most important and complex aspects of his work - his engagement with German Idealism - has received comparatively little attention. In this book, Kristin Gjesdal uses a close analysis and critical investigation of Gadamer's Truth and Method (1960) to show that his engagement with Kant, Hegel, and Schleiermacher is integral to his conception of hermeneutics. She argues that a failure to engage with this aspect of Gadamer's philosophy leads to a misunderstanding of the most pressing problem of post-Heideggerian hermeneutics: the tension between the commitment to the self-criticism of reason, on the one hand, and the turn towards the meaning-constituting authority of tradition, on the other. Her study provides an illuminating assessment of both the merits and the limitations of Gadamer's thought. Marxism facts information pictures ... In a broader sense however Marxist sociology might be regarded as including the work of all those thinkers who attach prime importance in the investigation and ... History of Western Philosophy - Journey in Being 2 GREEK PHILOSOPHY 2.1 RELIGIOUS ORIGINS OF GREEK PHILOSOPHY. Two aspects of Greek religion are selected for their significance: Philosophy of education - Wikipedia Philosophy of education can refer either to the application of philosophy to the problem of education examining the definition goals and meaning of education or to ... Citete Perichoresis - Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea Str. Nufarului nr. 87 410597 Oradea ROMANIA Tel./Fax: (+40) 0259-426-692 Email: Web: Frankfurt School and Critical Theory Internet ... The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory. The Frankfurt School also known as the Institute of Social Research (Institut fr Sozialforschung) is a social and ... Search Results -- return to religion-online. 1984: Orwell and Barmen. 1984 is the 50th anniversary of the Confessing Church in Germanys Barmen Declaration issued in May 1934 well ... Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia German idealism; Objective idealism; Absolute idealism; Founder of Hegelianism; Historicism; Naturphilosophie Neo-Kantianism Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Neo-Kantianism. By its broadest definition the term Neo-Kantianism names any thinker after Kant who both engages substantively with the basic ramifications of ...
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